Sunday 1 June 2008

Idea 2: A masked carnival in London

A few years ago, I visited Cologne as a guest of the German tourist industry, which was trying to persuade a hand-picked group of British people that their country is a great place to visit. I was convinced, but unsure exactly what they wanted me to do about it.

One thing I did almost do about it was nick one of their best ideas and try and transpose it to London.

Each year, as part of its fantastic carnival season, Cologne stages a vast masked ball in its streets, attracting thousands of revellers from around the world, who mix and party, hidden behind their costumes. I was overcome by the bacchanalian ideal and resolved to bring it to the UK.

The plan was to quit my job and start an event company, staging a vast masked ball in a venue that combined glamour with a hint of sleaze - somewhere like Smithfield or Leadenhall Market. At the weekend, while the Square Mile sleeps, thousands of revellers could descend to party anonymously.

It soon dawned on me that I lack the flamboyance (or friends) to pull this kind of thing off and let it go - but should someone revive the dream?

The idea
  • A ticketed event for a summer evening with live music, cabaret, dancing and costumes
  • Moulin Rouge meets the Notting Hill Carnival
  • An event for the masses (albeit a fairly self-selecting crowd) - not the Piers Gaveston Society
Why might it be a good idea?
  • London's marketing gurus are already looking to bring new events to the capital
  • There's a ready-made cabaret circuit, that would fall over itself to be part of it
  • It could be sponsored by a "premium" drinks brand (or maybe absinthe) keen to hitch its wagon to a decadent event
  • High-camp is one of the UK's leading exports

Why might it be a bad idea?

  • CCTV-loving London authorities might have an issue with it
  • Done badly, it could end up being more "bonfire night" than Mardi Gras - all paper cups, windswept revellers and fried onions